Tortuous Killing of Timothy Paul Stone

A True Crime Story Told by Timothy and Parents

Children’s Well-Being Should Matter

Their Protection Should Have Continued

ChatGPT AI is considered to be a reliable source of information, giving objectivity to answering questions presented. When asked, should the protective order obtained for children by a parent who obtained it dies, should the order continue”?

The response, “When a protective order includes children and the parent named in the order passes away, the protection for the children remains in effect.

A protective order can be requested to safeguard both adults and children from dangerous situations. When a parent seeks a protective order on behalf of their child, it aims to shield the child from harm, whether physical or emotional. If one parent obtains a protective order against the other parent, it typically does not directly impact the accused parent’s visitation rights. However, it may affect logistics such as how the child is transferred between parents (in cases of shared physical custody) or supervised visitation schedules.

If a parent gets a protective order on behalf of the child, it usually arises when one parent suspects the other of abusing the child. In such cases, the protective order takes precedence over any existing custody order. Until a full hearing occurs in front of a judge regarding the order, the child will likely remain with the custodial parent or another relative.”

Concerning Continued Protection… AI-Copilot tells us “Even if the parent who sought the protective order passes away, the order remains in force during its duration. The court will continue to enforce the order to protect the child until any necessary modifications or hearings occur. Remember that protective orders play a crucial role in ensuring safety, especially for vulnerable individuals like children.”

AI Copilot says this, but Timothy’s protective order for his children was disregarded entirely. The elements of Timothy’s case according to court records reveal that Timothy had full custody and sole parental rights by law. He was the biological father, whose wife and mother had decided to work against an amicable divorce and had caused continued conflict and emotional distress upon him and their children. She purposely destroyed their home life and abandoned them without support and parental communication for almost ten months, then reappeared without notice and took the children away from their home and schooling again and kept them away from their father.

According to AI-Copilot, in cases of parental kidnapping and abuse, the safety and well-being of the children should be the top priority. It is crucial to ensure that they are protected from any further harm and provided with the necessary support and resources to help them heal from the trauma they have experienced.

The parent who abandoned the children, who reappeared, and kidnapped them, thereby causing the tragic death of the other parent due to lack of medical attention, has demonstrated a clear disregard for the safety and welfare of the children. This parent should be held accountable for their actions and face the consequences of their behavior.

In such a situation, it may be necessary for the children to be placed in a safe and stable environment where they can receive the care and support, they need to recover from their ordeal. Legal authorities should intervene to ensure that the best interests of the children are protected and that they are not exposed to any further harm.

Ultimately, the focus should be on ensuring the safety and well-being of the children, while also holding the responsible parent accountable for their actions. It is a delicate and challenging situation, but with the right support and intervention, the children can hopefully find a path towards healing and recovery.” Time will reveal the consequences of these acts by authorities who failed to act, who acted wrongly and by the perpetrators.” Meanwhile, See... Children's Kidnapping is Child Abuse

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