Could Timothy’s Demise Be Linked to Parents’ Past Legalities?

Is it possible that the deliberate nonaction of government officials is connected to Timothy’s family’s public stance in opposition to corrupt governmental practices? For the past 25 years, Timothy’s parents, Reverend John and Shirley Stone, have engaged in a campaign to expose the racketeering and severe violations of civil rights they endured while representing themselves … Read more

Timothy’s Autopsy Report Proves Felony- Murder-Slayer Laws Applicable

Relevant points taken from the Timothy’s autopsy report, reveal the following determinations: Timothy’s “Autopsy Report” Supports Allegations by Parents. Timothy’s parents were aware of his history of alcohol and tobacco use, but cocaine use was recent, and his anxiety disorder was not known, but witnessed in his disposition while trying to settle a divorce he … Read more

Children’s Well-Being Should Matter.

Their Protection Should Have Continued Ai-Copilot is considered to be a reliable source of information, giving objectivity to answering questions presented. When asked, should the protective order obtained for children by a parent who obtained it dies, should the order continue”? The response, “When a protective order includes children and the parent named in the … Read more

Protective Orders Have No Guarantee

Unequal in Execution and Enforcement According to “AI Copilot”, Protective orders are available in every state in the United States for victims of domestic violence. In Timothy’s case, his spouse opted to use a protective order for a contentiously devious purpose in retaliation for the decision to pursue a divorce. Instead of simply agreeing to … Read more

Kidnapping a Child is Child Abuse.

According to “Bing”, Psychological abuse**, also known as *mental or emotional abuse*, involves using verbal and non-verbal communication to try to control someone or harm them emotionally. Although it doesn’t leave visible bruises or broken bones, psychological abuse can cause severe emotional issues and mental health conditions. It’s essential to recognize it and seek help … Read more