Could Timothy’s Demise Be Linked to Parents’ Past Legalities?

Is it possible that the deliberate nonaction of government officials is connected to Timothy’s family’s public stance in opposition to corrupt governmental practices? For the past 25 years, Timothy’s parents, Reverend John and Shirley Stone, have engaged in a campaign to expose the racketeering and severe violations of civil rights they endured while representing themselves … Read more

Their Lives are Forever Changed.

Taken from California Child Abduction Task Force- Impact of Family Child Abduction by Georgia K. Hilgeman, M.A., Retired Executive Director and Founder, Vanished Children’s Alliance 8-2-01 Family abduction lacks society’s recognition of its devastating and long-­-term impact. The public’s reaction to family abduction declares that the child is “fine.” This is because he or she … Read more

Protective Orders Have No Guarantee

Unequal in Execution and Enforcement According to “AI Copilot”, Protective orders are available in every state in the United States for victims of domestic violence. In Timothy’s case, his spouse opted to use a protective order for a contentiously devious purpose in retaliation for the decision to pursue a divorce. Instead of simply agreeing to … Read more

Diabetic Condition Exploited to Torture.

In the delicate and complex dynamics of a marital relationship, it’s crucial to recognize the enduring importance of the duty of care, even in the midst of separation. This responsibility becomes even more critical when one partner is a type 1 diabetic, a condition that requires ongoing support. Duty of care-refers to the obligation to … Read more

Constant Mental Abuse Contributed to Torturous Killing

Emotional abuse is serious and can have harmful effects.  Sarea knew of Timothy’s medical condition was fragile and that he was depending on his oldest son to get medical assistance for him. Before, the children’s abandonment, an older brother and nephew who lived in the same building, had established a routine of checking in on … Read more

Could Timothy’s Life Been Saved?

Timothy’s story is a work in process and is only briefed here. Many details have been omitted, but maybe featured under a different topic, definitely in his biography. For this writing the attention is on the question: if Timothy’s children had not been kidnapped at all, or had been returned to him after they were … Read more