The following was filed by Timothy with his request for needing a protective order filed against Sarea at the El Mirage Municipal Court given Case No: 759PO2023000017. The order was granted, April 6, 2023.
3/22/2023 Sarea stole my car Ford Escape 2018 license plate number […] and fled the state to move to Las Vegas to avoid divorce proceedings and pretty much stopped communicating with me. Also April 5, 2023, Sarea also had her mother and Sister call me making threats about physically assaulting me and taking kids. The Kid piece was on the sister. Sarea also still has my car even though we’re married she cannot renew plates and the mom also threatened to destroy the car.
04/05/2023 I texted Sarea to give my car back on Sunday because of multiple reasons about infidelity, mental capacity, not being able to pay for car and more. She had no response but then allowed her mom and sister to call me and tell me they would come here kidnap my kids which Sarea left with me because she is incapable of caring for them and told CPS in Arizona that they would be better with me. She allowed her mom and sister to threaten me and I have the text messages that show it.
6/11/2022 police report #22-29058 Sarea and John (my father) both called 911 as Sarea again was yelling and cussin me out she then proceeded to hit me multiple times and scratched me twice as I got out the shower naked. I grabbed her arms for her to say I was choking her which is when she called police both my mom and dad were witnesses to this and the police came and let her take kids and leave though they did recommend her to be charged for assault as I got a victim’s letter the prosecutors never decided to charge her.
11/05/2022 During a minor argument with Sarea she decided to tell me and kids that she was sorry she wasn’t strong enough and that she was going to kill herself. She left for a couple of hours on foot but decided to come home.
11/08/2022 Sarea started an argument with me and then proceeded to pop all 25 pills of depression meds she had in her prescription bottle in front of me, Winston my oldest and Marcel our youngest child saying she will no longer be here. She left house and within 10 minutes I called the cops and told them she is committing suicide she also threw the pill bottle at my head as she walked out, though I was trying to stop her. she did all this and when cops came they found out she spit pills out and did it to hurt me in front of kids.
11/14/2022 Sarea tried to kill herself in the house around the kids and then left and called the police and was moved into a care facility for a week to recover and missed Winston’s birthday.
12/11/2022 Sarea was yelling throughout the house non stop for over 8 hour being verbally abusive and cussing while saying many derogatory terms at me in front of the kids. I then took Winston outside to talk to him and ask if it bothered him and he said yeah I then explained that Sarea (his mom) is not mentally well and that she won’t listen to me, but that he can go head and tell her is hurting his feelings for her to tell him she would stop for him. After 5 minutes she than begin yelling again in the same manner this started around 10am and continued until 8pm. She verbally abused me and kids.
12/17/2022 This is an everyday thing. Marcel is 2-year old baby that is breastfed while Sarea (mom) is a heavy weed smoker. Sometimes she will even take him out back and smoke a blunt while he is feeding on her.
12/18/2022 Me and Sarea had relations this night as it seemed to be a good day for her. After it was done she randomly left the house without saying anything slamming the door extremely loud late at night as kids were sleep. We started texting and arguing via text messages upon her return I blocked her in my phone for her to then come into my room (we slept in separate rooms) while on the phone with her friend and started to verbally abuse me as I was trying to sleep to get rest for work. She was extremely loud with the kids asleep this caused Timothy Jr to wake up and come into her room to lay down with his baby brother. She then went and smoked weed and then came back into room after I locked door to try to sleep and continued the verbal abuse with yelling which woke Winston up. She then continued to yell and stood in the doorway to my bedroom I then got up after asking her to leave my room 3 times and just touched her with 2 fingers not even a nudged to ask her to leave and then she started to slap me I then put my arms around her shoulders for her to tell her friend on phone screaming that I was choking her and hitting her again waking the kid up more. During me holding her her bluetooth headphones fell down and she said they were broke. I then went out to tell her to please be quiet in the living room and grabbed the headphones to look if they were broken and she then continued to verbally and physically abuse me causing me to throw the headphones down again shattering them. After she continued to yell I then called 911 where I could barely hear the call because she was still yelling and had cops sent out where she was stating to the officer that I beat her up and choked her and broke her headphones and the officers ended up arresting me and charged me with criminal damage and then she filed for a protective order against me stating that I beat her.
Before Timothy’s April 2024 protective order against Sarea, in January 2022, Timothy went back to court to have Sarea’s December 2022 protective order dismissed against him for the children. Sarea lied that he would harm them and that he had beat her to obtain the order. The children were removed from the order but persisted against Timothy for Sarea until she decided to have it dismissed three months later and abandoned the family for nearly a year.
Just as Sarea had abandoned her family without notice, she came back without notice and again disrupted her children’s lives by their kidnapping, which by law is child abuse, contributing to his sudden demise while she held them hostage. For Sarea, this would be a continuing offense, since she took the kids without custodial nor parental rights, no including the protective order for no contact with kids. See Timothy’s last court filing. See laws violated