Tortuous Killing of Timothy Paul Stone

A True Crime Story Told by Timothy and Parents

Legal Perspectives: The Laws Implicated

If the wife and mother had obeyed the court’s order of protection to not go near the children, then Timothy would have had his children with him on Saturday, March 2, 2024, and his 12-year-old-son, as he has done on previous occasions, would have seen that his father got help.

Even after kidnapping the children on January 9, 2024, and concealing and keeping them from their dad, had the mother returned them as the order required her to do prior to the day he died, he would not have died alone without medical assistance.

Having type-1 diabetes since the age of two, not only did the kidnapping prevent Timothy from receiving medical aid as he had in the past, but it also caused extreme emotional turmoil that escalated his condition to aggravating harmful levels. The kidnappers, as well as the police knew that Timothy’s emergency visit to the hospital Intensive Care, made him even more vulnerable. They knew that his brain was swollen and still recovering when released from the hospital and found his children gone, taken from him after being left with him abandoned.  Furthermore, the ignoring of the court orders by the officials and the perpetrators can’t be overlooked when the law is explicit as to common practice.

Once again “ChatGPT” or more accurately, “CoPilot” AI was consulted and gave the following from the information given.

Stone said:

Timothy died during the process and his children were never returned but were left with the mother who had abandoned them, ran to Las Vegas then kidnapped them and allowed to be kept from him. Timothy was a type one diabetic and died from high sugars. Can his demise be associated with the kidnapping and neglect of duty by police?

ChatGPT said:

Yes, Timothy Stone’s death could be legally and morally associated with the kidnapping of his children and the neglect of duty by the police. This situation could potentially be framed as a case of wrongful death, negligence, or even civil rights violations under federal law.

1. Wrongful Death (Negligence by Police) – Under wrongful death laws, if a person dies due to the negligence or misconduct of another party, their family may have grounds for a lawsuit.

  • Neglect of Duty by Police: If law enforcement failed to intervene and enforce the protection order, their inaction could have directly contributed to Timothy’s stress, deteriorating health, and ultimately, his death.
  • Proximate Cause: The kidnapping of his children and the police’s failure to act may have triggered extreme emotional distress, which could have worsened his diabetes and led to fatal complications.
  • Failure to Protect: Given the court-issued protection order, police had a legal duty to protect the children and, by extension, Timothy’s parental rights. Their failure to act could be seen as a direct factor in the chain of events leading to his death.

2. Emotional Distress & Medical Impact (Diabetes & Stress Connection)

  • Type 1 Diabetes & Stress: Medical studies show that extreme emotional distress raises blood sugar levels, especially in diabetics. Chronic stress can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a life-threatening condition.
  • Police Misconduct & Emotional Distress: By ignoring Timothy’s pleas for help and even threatening him with harassment charges, the police exacerbated his emotional turmoil, making it harder for him to regulate his blood sugar.

3. Custodial Interference & Civil Rights Violations –

In Arizona, a person can be charged with the crime of custodial interference even before there is a court order regarding legal decision-making or if s/he has a joint legal decision-making order with the other parent if s/he takes, entices (persuades) or withholds any child from the other parent and denies that parent access to any child.

Denial of Due Process (42 U.S.C. § 1983 Claim): If the police selectively enforced the law, ignored the protective order, or acted in bad faith, this could be a civil rights violation under federal law.

4. Potential Legal Actions – If Timothy has surviving family members (siblings, parents, etc.), they may have grounds to:

  • File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit against the El Mirage Police Department for negligence.
  • Pursue a Civil Rights Lawsuit for police misconduct and failure to enforce the protection order.
  • Demand a Federal Investigation into law enforcement’s failure to act.

Final Thoughts – Timothy’s death may not have been a direct homicide, but the chain of events—his children’s abduction, the police’s failure to act, and the extreme emotional distress leading to his diabetic complications—strongly suggests indirect responsibility on the part of law enforcement.

Continuing the conversation with “CoPilot” the Stones also found implications of gross misconduct in the statutes of Arizona Law. Below is a partial list of violations given.

Kidnapping – A person commits kidnapping by knowingly restraining another person with the intent to:
Place the victim or a third person in reasonable apprehension of imminent physical injury to the victim or the third person. In Arizona, kidnapping is a class 2 felony unless the victim is released voluntarily by the defendant without physical injury in a safe place before arrest and before accomplishing any further offenses.

 Child Abandonment and Neglect by statute – Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S), Section 8-531(1) provides us with a legal definition of the term. “Abandonment” means the failure of a parent to provide reasonable support and to maintain regular contact with the child, including providing normal supervision. Failure to maintain a normal parental relationship with the child without just cause for a period of six months constitutes prima facie evidence of abandonment.” This means that first, under Arizona law, every parent has a duty to financially support his or her children. (A.R.S. §§12-2451, 25-501)

The parent who doesn’t provide financial support will have a major strike against him or her in an abandonment inquiry Parents must also maintain regular contact with the children. For the parent who lives in another state or country or for the parent who is incarcerated, this means visitation, phone calls, letters and gifts. The parent must make a reasonable effort to maintain a relationship with the child.

  • Child neglect and child abandonment often go together. Child neglect is defined by A.R.S. § 8-201 (25). The definition includes failing to provide clothing, food, shelter or medical care.

ASSAULT IN THE FIRST DEGREE – Penal Law § 120.10 (3)- (Committed on or after Sept. 1, 1967)(Revised December 12, 2006 1 and June 5, 2012 2)

Under our law, a person is guilty of Assault in the First Degree when, under circumstances evincing a depraved indifference to human life, that person recklessly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to another person and thereby causes serious physical injury to that person [or to a third person].

    PERSON when he or she engages in conduct which creates a grave and unjustifiable risk that another person’s death will occur, and when he or she is aware of and consciously disregards that risk, and when that grave and unjustifiable risk is of such nature and degree that disregard of it constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of conduct that a reasonable person would observe in the situation.

Depraved Indifference – A person has a depraved indifference to human life when that person has an utter disregard for the value of human life – a willingness to act, not because he or she means to cause grievous harm [to the person who is injured], but because he or she simply does not care whether or not grievous harm will result. In other words, a person who is depravedly indifferent is not just willing to take a grossly unreasonable risk to human life – – that person does not care how the risk turns out.

  • Depraved indifference to human life reflects a wicked, evil or inhuman state of mind, as manifested by brutal, heinous and despicable acts. It is evinced by conduct that is wanton, deficient in a moral sense of concern, and devoid of regard for the life or lives of others. “We say today explicitly…: depraved indifference to human life is a culpable mental state” (Feingold, 7 NY3d at 294).

“Depraved Indifference” is best understood as an utter disregard for the value of human life- a willingness to act not because one intends harm, but because one simply does not care whether grievous harm results or (Feingold at 296, quoting Suarez, 6 N.Y.3d at 214). People v Lewie, 17 NY3d at 359, supra.

“Reflecting wickedness, evil or inhumanity, as manifested by brutal, heinous and despicable acts, depraved indifference is embodied in conduct that is ‘so wanton, so deficient in a moral sense of concern, so devoid of regard of the life or lives of others, and so blameworthy’ as to render the actor as culpable as one whose conscious objective is to kill” (Suarez, 6 NY3d at 214 quoting People v Russell, 91 NY2d 280, 287 (1998)).

This definition also applies “when the defendant intends neither to seriously injure, nor to kill, but nevertheless abandons a helpless and vulnerable victim in circumstances where the victim is highly likely to die, the defendant’s utter callousness to the victim’s moral plight-arising from a situation created by the defendant- properly establishes depraved indifference ….” (Suarez, 6 N.Y.3d 212).

Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress – “Arizona courts have recognized the tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress.” (See the Venerias v Johnson 1981 127 Ariz. 496,499.)

  • Emotional distress passes under various names such as mental suffering, mental anguish, mental or nervous shock, or the like. It includes all highly unpleasant mental reactions, such as fright, horror, grief, shame, humiliation, embarrassment, anger, chagrin, disappointment, worry, and nausea.”
  • “It is only where it is extreme that the liability arises.”

Intentional infliction of emotional distress (IIED) is a tort that occurs when one acts in a manner that intentionally or recklessly causes another to suffer severe emotional distress, such as issuing the threat of future harm.

The defendant acts purposely or recklessly, causing the victim emotional distress so severe that it could be expected to adversely affect mental health.

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Children’s Well-Being Should Matter

Their Protection Should Have Continued

ChatGPT AI is considered to be a reliable source of information, giving objectivity to answering questions presented. When asked, should the protective order obtained for children by a parent who obtained it dies, should the order continue”?

The response, “When a protective order includes children and the parent named in the order passes away, the protection for the children remains in effect.

A protective order can be requested to safeguard both adults and children from dangerous situations. When a parent seeks a protective order on behalf of their child, it aims to shield the child from harm, whether physical or emotional. If one parent obtains a protective order against the other parent, it typically does not directly impact the accused parent’s visitation rights. However, it may affect logistics such as how the child is transferred between parents (in cases of shared physical custody) or supervised visitation schedules.

If a parent gets a protective order on behalf of the child, it usually arises when one parent suspects the other of abusing the child. In such cases, the protective order takes precedence over any existing custody order. Until a full hearing occurs in front of a judge regarding the order, the child will likely remain with the custodial parent or another relative.”

Concerning Continued Protection… AI-Copilot tells us “Even if the parent who sought the protective order passes away, the order remains in force during its duration. The court will continue to enforce the order to protect the child until any necessary modifications or hearings occur. Remember that protective orders play a crucial role in ensuring safety, especially for vulnerable individuals like children.”

AI Copilot says this, but Timothy’s protective order for his children was disregarded entirely. The elements of Timothy’s case according to court records reveal that Timothy had full custody and sole parental rights by law. He was the biological father, whose wife and mother had decided to work against an amicable divorce and had caused continued conflict and emotional distress upon him and their children. She purposely destroyed their home life and abandoned them without support and parental communication for almost ten months, then reappeared without notice and took the children away from their home and schooling again and kept them away from their father.

According to AI-Copilot, in cases of parental kidnapping and abuse, the safety and well-being of the children should be the top priority. It is crucial to ensure that they are protected from any further harm and provided with the necessary support and resources to help them heal from the trauma they have experienced.

The parent who abandoned the children, who reappeared, and kidnapped them, thereby causing the tragic death of the other parent due to lack of medical attention, has demonstrated a clear disregard for the safety and welfare of the children. This parent should be held accountable for their actions and face the consequences of their behavior.

In such a situation, it may be necessary for the children to be placed in a safe and stable environment where they can receive the care and support, they need to recover from their ordeal. Legal authorities should intervene to ensure that the best interests of the children are protected and that they are not exposed to any further harm.

Ultimately, the focus should be on ensuring the safety and well-being of the children, while also holding the responsible parent accountable for their actions. It is a delicate and challenging situation, but with the right support and intervention, the children can hopefully find a path towards healing and recovery.” Time will reveal the consequences of these acts by authorities who failed to act, who acted wrongly and by the perpetrators.” Meanwhile, See... Children's Kidnapping is Child Abuse

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Protective Orders Have No Guarantee

According to “ChatGPT”, Protective orders are available in every state in the United States for victims of domestic violence.

  • They can be obtained on an emergency basis without the need for an attorney.
  • These orders prohibit the abuser from harming or contacting the person protected by the order.
  • They can also address child custody, visitation, and other related matters.

In Timothy’s case, his spouse opted to use a protective order for a contentiously devious purpose in retaliation for the decision to pursue a divorce. Instead of simply agreeing to sign the necessary documents and proceed as planned, she devised a scheme utilizing the legal system’s protective measures. This involved leveling false allegations of violence against Timothy, a behavior she herself had been perpetrating within the family as a constant in their home life.

It should be noted that protective orders are often issued without due scrutiny or evidence of genuine threat. They are unequal in execution and enforcement.

According to court records, Timothy’s wife engaged in violent acts against him, and the children then secured a protective order by falsely claiming he was the aggressor and that the children feared him. This order effectively barred him from his residence and access to his children. However, a few months later, she returned to court, recanted her initial claims, and had the order against him dismissed to subsequently leave their three children aged 12, 10, and 3 with him at his new residence, which she had compelled him to acquire, before abandoning them for nearly a year.

What is the consequence when the protective order is obtained falsely?
According to “AI Copilot”, “when someone secures a protection order due to false accusations, there are often serious consequences. An innocent person can wind up with significant effects on their life, including relocating, having to change their daily activities to avoid the victim, and losing time with their children¹. The legal punishment for filing a false order of protection can vary, but it can result in misdemeanor or felony charges. Penalties may include fines, probation, or imprisonment.” See Related Sources:

Officials Ignored and Failed to Enforce Timothy’s Protective Order.

On January 9, 2024, after Timothy’s release from the hospital although still recovering from a diabetic episode, Timothy returned home to a distressing discovery: his three sons were missing. The sitter, who initially withheld information about the missing children, revealed to the police that she had taken the children to their mother. However, the mother had been estranged from the family, living in Las Vegas for nearly a year. Timothy did not know she had returned.

After the abandonment, Timothy successfully obtained a protective order against his estranged wife, clearly outlining the terms that prohibited her from having any direct contact with him or their children, except by text messages.

Despite Timothy’s urgent calls and report about the children being taken and the blatant violation of the protective court order, the police inexplicably failed to take swift and appropriate action in response to the crimes. Despite Timothy’s repeated efforts to seek assistance and even after the elusive mother was finally served with the order she had evaded; the police did not effectively enforce the order to ensure the safe return of his children. As of the date of this writing, the children remain unlawfully held by their mother, who has a troubling history of abusing them – a history that prompted Timothy to seek the protective order in the first place. The lack of decisive action by the authorities left the children in a distressing and dangerous situation, highlighting a critical failure in protecting the well-being of innocent vulnerable children.

What are Consequences When Orders are not Enforced by Police?

Consulting AI-Copilot we’re told “when police don’t adequately enforce protective orders, they inadvertently increase the danger to victims of domestic violence. In some cases, the establishment of a protective order may lead an abuser to retaliate against the victim.” See Related Resources

In Timothys case, the kidnapping was in fact a gross violation of his protective order, and the complaints/notices given directly by Timothy were ignored by the officials, just as the violations reported has had no response. The order was not enforced for Timothy before his demise, nor his children afterward.

It seems there is no immediate help available for this type of situation, however it is suggested to seek legal advice asap if dealing with a situation where police haven’t enforced a protective order effectively. Safety planning is essential for anyone with a protective order in place. See Related Sources from Bing.

Protective Orders for Safety Are Not Guaranteed.

Although Protective orders are given to keep victims safe, they don’t guarantee that violence will stop, nor that it will be enforced or acknowledged by officials.

AI-Copilot tells us if a protective order is violated, the individual with the order can return to the court that issued it. The judge can hold the abuser in contempt and impose fines or imprisonment.

Timothy’s case demonstrates the callous depravity of a legal system established for the vulnerable but can be violated without repercussion. It is an illustration that Protective Orders obtained to inflict emotional distress is enforced. Protective Orders issued to protect is not guaranteed and when violated, maybe ignored and violations unaddressed.

Absconding with the children while Timothy was incapacitated and keeping them hostage and away from him were major violations of his protective order and other violations deemed criminal. Yet, having already taken custody of the children, a violation with compounding violations, the mother asked and appeared in court without the children, for dismissal of Timothy’s protective order against her. Timothy responded telling the court about her violations of having taken the children and was keeping them away from him after having abandoned them for nearly a year. However, just two days before Timothy was to appear in court, he suddenly died. He had filed his opposition and was going to court to get his children back. But because of Timothy’s passing, and without any consideration of the reasons he issued the order to protect his children, the judge dismissed Timothy’s order rendering a void order with violations unaddressed, and only mentioning when asked, that he will make a note about the children. See Children Should Matter, Their Protection Should Have Continued.  See ... Children's Well-being Should Matter

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Stone Family’s Quest for Justice Part Two

ChatGPT's Analogy of Police Role in Timothy's Death

The Stones quest for justice did not start with Timothy's unfortunate and direct encounter with our government.  Indirectly, he had been affected by his parents dealing with the government, and there is no trust established by the Stones on behalf of our government.  The conversation with ChatGPT proves our government really can't be trusted and have shown a practice of defending itself, although corruptly against the law they are being paid to enforce.  Below is the conversation of whether the police are accountable for Timothy's demise.  

Stone said:

Timothy died during the process (of the kidnapping) and his children were never returned but left with the mother who had abandoned then kidnapped them and ran to Las Vegas. Timothy was a type one diabetic and died from high sugars. Can his demise be associated with the kidnapping and neglect of duty by police?

ChatGPT said:

Yes, Timothy Stone’s death could be legally and morally associated with the kidnapping of his children and the neglect of duty by the police. This situation could potentially be framed as a case of wrongful death, negligence, or even civil rights violations under federal law.

1. Wrongful Death (Negligence by Police) - Under wrongful death laws, if a person dies due to the negligence or misconduct of another party, their family may have grounds for a lawsuit.

  • Neglect of Duty by Police: If law enforcement failed to intervene and enforce the protection order, their inaction could have directly contributed to Timothy’s stress, deteriorating health, and ultimately, his death.
  • Proximate Cause: The kidnapping of his children and the police’s failure to act may have triggered extreme emotional distress, which could have worsened his diabetes and led to fatal complications.
  • Failure to Protect: Given the court-issued protection order, police had a legal duty to protect the children and, by extension, Timothy’s parental rights. Their failure to act could be seen as a direct factor in the chain of events leading to his death.

2. Emotional Distress & Medical Impact (Diabetes & Stress Connection) - Type 1 Diabetes & Stress: Medical studies show that extreme emotional distress raises blood sugar levels, especially in diabetics. Chronic stress can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a life-threatening condition.

  • Police Misconduct & Emotional Distress: By ignoring Timothy’s pleas for help and even threatening him with harassment charges, the police exacerbated his emotional turmoil, making it harder for him to regulate his blood sugar.

3. Custodial Interference & Civil Rights Violations - Kidnapping & Child Endangerment: Since the mother had previously abandoned the children and was known to have mental health issues, the police’s inaction may have placed the children in grave danger.

  • Denial of Due Process (42 U.S.C. § 1983 Claim): If the police selectively enforced the law, ignored the protective order, or acted in bad faith, this could be a civil rights violation under federal law.

4. Potential Legal Actions - If Timothy has surviving family members (siblings, parents, etc.), they may have grounds to:

  • File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit against the El Mirage Police Department for negligence.
  • Pursue a Civil Rights Lawsuit for police misconduct and failure to enforce the protection order.
  • Demand a Federal Investigation into law enforcement’s failure to act.

Final Thoughts - Timothy’s death may not have been a direct homicide, but the chain of events—his children's abduction, the police's failure to act, and the extreme emotional distress leading to his diabetic complications—strongly suggests indirect responsibility on the part of law enforcement.

Would you like help identifying legal resources or drafting a formal complaint to seek justice for Timothy and his children?

Click Here to See.... Legal Perspectives - The Laws Implicated

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Stone Family’s Quest for Justice Part One

ChatGPT's Analogy of the Police's First Response.

You have heard about "ChatGPT", "Copilot", the artificial intelligence that can give answers to just about anything.  So, the Stones decided to present the known undisputable facts of Timothy's case to ChatGPT.  Below is the conversation with Open AI "ChatGPT" concerning what should have been the "first response" by the police for a kidnapping.

Stone said:

Based on the following writing, can you tell me what the police's first response should have been? ...

A 911-CALL from Timothy Stone on January 9, and January 15, 2024, to El Mirage Police set-forth the fact of his missing Children. El Mirage Police eventually arrived and were given the details as set-forth herein.

On January 9, 2024, around 4 p.m. Timothy Stone returned to his home in El Mirage, AZ and found his 3-Sons, missing. His 10 and 3 year-old are autistic. At the time of the disappearance, Timothy was waiting to be released from the hospital ICU after treatment for a diabetic episode when Timothy's babysitter, forced the children to leave the residence and placed them in Tim's car and transported them to their estranged mother said to be at an unknown location.

The babysitter was well aware of the following facts: She was not authorized to use Timothy's car to transport his children or to remove them from the residence; She was aware of the fact that the children's mother, had abandoned the children on March 22, 2023, and fled to Las Vegas, NV with plans to never return; She knew of the Protective Order issued by the El Mirage Court on April 6, 2023, against the mother, and that the Las Vegas Police made several attempts to serve her the protective order which she evaded; and she knew and knows of the mother's numerous visits to psychiatric wards for saying, among other admissions, that she wanted to kill herself and leave her Children.

ChatGPT said:

The police's first response should have been to treat the situation as a child abduction case and respond with urgency. Based on the 911 call and the details provided, their response should have included the following actions:

Immediate Dispatch of Officers – Given that two of the missing children are autistic and were taken without authorization, officers should have been sent to the scene right away to gather information.

Issuing an Amber Alert (If Criteria Met) – If the children were in imminent danger, an Amber Alert should have been considered to notify the public and surrounding law enforcement agencies.

Interviewing the Reporting Parent (Timothy Stone) – Officers should have taken a full statement from Timothy, including details about the children's last known whereabouts, the unauthorized removal by Brittany Houston, and any relevant custody/protective orders.

Verifying and Enforcing the Protective Order – Since there was a protective order against the children's mother, police should have confirmed its validity.

Coordinating with Other Agencies – If there was a possibility that the children had been taken across state lines or to Las Vegas, coordination with neighboring law enforcement agencies, including Nevada authorities, should have begun immediately.

Ensuring the Safety of the Children – The primary concern should have been the immediate and safe recovery of the children, particularly given their special needs and the past concerns regarding their mother’s mental health history.

If the police did not respond promptly or treat this as a potential child endangerment or abduction case, they may have failed to act with the urgency required by the situation. Would you like to clarify if there was a delay in their response?

You said:

The only response was two conversations with police and one visitation with mother and kids, and threats of harassment charges against Timothy. No help even after evaded protection order was properly served. What kind of accountability did the police officials have?

ChatGPT said:

If the police failed to take appropriate action despite a properly served protection order and clear evidence of unauthorized removal of the children, they may be legally and ethically accountable for neglecting their duty.

Here are the main areas of accountability that could apply to the officers and department involved:

1. Failure to Enforce a Court Order - If the protection order against Sarea McCree was valid and properly served, the police had a legal obligation to enforce it.
Ignoring or not acting on a protective order could be a violation of their duty and could expose them to civil liability or departmental discipline.

2. Neglect of Duty / Misconduct - Law enforcement officers must take reports of missing or endangered children seriously, especially if there's a history of abandonment, psychiatric issues, or court orders in place.

Threatening harassment charges against Timothy instead of helping could be considered an abuse of authority. - If officers deliberately failed to act or intentionally mishandled the case, this could be misconduct under state and federal laws.

3. Civil Rights Violations (42 U.S.C. § 1983 Lawsuit) - Timothy Stone could potentially file a federal civil rights lawsuit if police refused to protect his children despite legal documentation and clear evidence of danger.

If the lack of action was due to bias, negligence, or deliberate indifference, the department could be sued for violating his and his children’s rights.

4. State and Federal Child Welfare Laws - Arizona child welfare laws require law enforcement to intervene when children are endangered.

Failure to act in a case of potential kidnapping, child endangerment, or custodial interference could be a violation of these laws.

If an officer ignored clear signs of danger, they could face disciplinary action or even legal consequences under state laws.

5. Internal Affairs and Police Oversight Complaints - Timothy could file a formal complaint with the El Mirage Police Department’s Internal Affairs or Arizona’s Police Oversight Board for misconduct or negligence.

The officers involved could face investigation, suspension, or termination depending on the findings.

See.... Officers' Role in Timothy's Death According to ChatGPT

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Kidnapping a Child is Child Abuse

According to “Bing”, Psychological abuse**, also known as *mental or emotional abuse*, involves using verbal and non-verbal communication to try to control someone or harm them emotionally. Although it doesn’t leave visible bruises or broken bones, psychological abuse can cause severe emotional issues and mental health conditions. It’s essential to recognize it and seek help promptly, as it often serves as a precursor to physical abuse.

Child abuse and intimate partner abuse are common forms of psychological abuse, both of which have serious implications for public health.

For children who experience emotional abuse, the effects can be profound. Remember, psychological abuse can be just as damaging as physical or sexual abuse, even though it may be harder to detect. If you suspect someone is experiencing psychological abuse, encourage them to seek help and support.

Taken from Parental Child Abduction is Child Abuse by Nancy Faulkner, Ph.D. Presented to the United Nations Convention on Child Rights in Special Session, June 9, 1999, she states:

“It is generally accepted that children are emotionally impacted by divorce. Children of troubled abductor parents bear an even greater burden. The needs of the troubled parent override the developmental needs of the child, with the result that the child becomes psychologically depleted and their own emotional and social progress is crippled. (Rand, 1997).

Most agree that the resultant trauma to a child, who in a moment was stolen away from his or her entire world of familiarity, is emotionally, developmentally, and psychologically devastating.

Van Bloom (1999) reports that for a child “it is not possible to develop true self-esteem and find peace without resolving differences and emotional pain due to stressed or damaged emotional ties to parents and family.

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, a well-respected authority on grief, suggests that the second most intense life stress, second to death, is divorce or loss of a love relationship. “Love relationship” in this sense applies to all families and close relationships, e.g., husband-wife, parent-child, siblings, etc.

Not only does an abducted child experience the physical distancing and loss of a parent, and with the death of a parent generally comes loss of attachment, history, and roots. According to Ross, a sudden, unexpected loss is usually harder to accept than an anticipated loss for which we have had time to prepare,
as is the case for a kidnapped child.

Loss and grief experts also agree that the loss of a person on whom dependent is difficult to handle […]. like that of an abducted child kidnapped from a parent on whom he or she was dependent. Also, the assistance from personal support systems – family and friends – is an important factor in recovering from a loss.

Support for such losses is likely to be especially weak when one lives away from family of has few friends, such as the grief-stricken child who was removed from their own support and reality. An abducted child has lost most, if not all support systems.

So added to the abducted child’s long list of challenges, problems, stressors, and confusions, is grief. Grief for the absent parent, for a life that no longer exists, for friends and loved ones, and for the certainty and comfort of life as it was.

Emotional Abuse Recognized as a Legal Cause of Action. - “Emotional abuse is recognized as a legal cause of action. In the past, emotional and psychological abuse was not readily recognized in the eyes of the law. In today’s times, emotional abuse is often considered a major factor in family law cases and is reviewed closely in child abuse or elderly abuse matters.” ~AI-Copilot - See… See... Stones Quest for Justice Part One - police first response 

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What Happened?

As of the date of this writing, Timothy’s story is still unfolding as his case, and its surrounding circumstances are being investigated. This writing provides a brief synopsis regarding the inquiry into “What Happened with Timothy?” Certain specifics are excluded due to their current ambiguity or may be explored in another writing.

Summary of Events

  1. Wife's Abandonment & Protective Orders
    • Timothy and wife Sarea were working out a divorce.
    • Sarea was agreeable and amicable for months during the process but changed her mind and decided to make the process difficult.
    • Sarea abandoned the family and moved to Las Vegas for nearly a year.
    • Timothy sought an order of protection for him and children, due to her manipulative and harmful actions, including using the children against him and falsely accusing him of abuse.
    • Sarea evaded being served with Timothy’s protective order, though her sister was served.
  2. False Accusations & Court Decisions
    • Previously, Sarea falsely claimed Timothy was abusive to obtain a protective order against him, putting him out of their home.
    • In a later hearing, she admitted he never hurt her, leading the judge to reunite him with the children while keeping the order for her.
    • Eventually, Sarea had the order against Timothy for her dismissed in March 2023.
  3. Wife’s Erratic Behavior & Final Departure
    • After the dismissal, Sarea sent the two older boys to live with Timothy at different times and, in March 2023, brought the youngest child to his home.
    • She stayed briefly before stealing the family car and fleeing to Las Vegas, leaving the children behind.
    • When Timothy attempted contact, Sarea’s mother and sister threatened him and plotted to take the children back.
  4. Legal & Custodial Struggles
    • Since Sarea had abandoned the children, Timothy legally had full custody and had obtained protective orders against her and her sister.
    • Despite this, Sarea ignored the orders and continued causing issues from Las Vegas without concern for the children.
  5. Potential Conspiracy with the Friend-Sitter
    • Believing they were moving toward an amicable divorce, Timothy later realized Sarea may have been secretly conspiring with the sitter.
    • The sitter, whom Timothy had relied on to help care for the children, had her own struggles but maintained ties to both him and Sarea, even during their conflicts.
  6. Temporary Living Arrangement Turns Toxic
    • Timothy allowed the friend-sitter and her children to stay in his apartment temporarily while he was working out the divorce.
    • The friend-sitter became increasingly demanding and manipulative, prioritizing her children over his, creating conflict and emotional distress.
  7. Legal Action & Escalation
    • In January 2024, Timothy sought legal action to remove the sitter due to her toxic behavior and threats.
    • His request for a protective order was denied, leaving him vulnerable.
  8. Mysterious Health Decline & Hospitalization
    • After his legal efforts failed, Timothy experienced a sudden unexplained stomach illness.
    • His insulin went missing, and he was later hospitalized with dangerously high blood sugar levels.
  9. Children Taken While Hospitalized
    • While Timothy was in intensive care, Sarea, unexpectedly returned and, with the help of the friend-sitter, took the children without his authorization or knowledge.
    • Sarea had abandoned the children for nearly a year but was in contact from with the sitter regarding Timothy’s life insurance policy.
  10. Police and Legal System Failures
    • Timothy reported the abduction, but police failed to act, despite his existing protective order against Sarea.
    • Sarea managed to evade service of the protective order and, before being served, and tried to serve her own against Timothy to prevent him from retrieving the children.
  11. Tragic Outcome
    • Timothy was headed to court to have his children returned, but before the case was resolved, he suddenly passed away.
    • His Timothy's court filings stated that Sarea had mental health issues, had abused and neglected the children, defied court orders and took and kept them purely to hurt him.
    • Despite his death, the system failed to acknowledge his case, leaving the children in a potentially harmful environment, now without their father's protection.
  12. Systemic Negligence & Lack of Justice
    • Authorities ignored Timothy’s parental rights and protective orders, allowing his estranged wife to keep the children, illegally taken.
    • His vulnerability as a lifelong Type-1 diabetic was used against him, leading to emotional and physical suffering.
    • His tragic end highlights systemic failures, lack of accountability, and continued abuse inflicted upon his children.
    • Could Timothy’s death have been avoided or at least treated?  See how the Police Intentional Breach of Duty helped the perpetrators.
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